Support UR students' petition to disarm police, implement anti-racism policies, and end gentrification
Author: Chris B

Statement on Martin Gugino
by Chris B
Martin, a friend of Enough Is Enough, was brutalized by Buffalo Police

EIE Statement on Defunding the Police
by Chris B
Defunding the police is a demand being made by activists across the nation

End Project Exile
by Chris B
Project Exile contributes to mass incarceration in Monroe County.

Vote Yes for PAB Nov. 5th!
by Chris B
Rochester residents will vote on referendum for the Police Accountability Board in general election.

End Project Exile
by Chris B
A Donald Trump Endorsed Policy Continues in Rochester

Help Get Plush Out of Solitary
by Chris B
Man with Mental Illness in Solitary in Attica Before Trial

Rochester’s $33 Million Plan to Build New Police Stations
by Chris B
Stop Police Expansion in Rochester

UR proposing to arm off-campus peace officers
by Chris B
UR continues project of gentrification into 19th Ward

RPD Brutality Caught on Tape Again
by Chris B
Security Camera Footage of Brutal Beating Used in Lawsuit Against RPD
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